
About Me

My name is Makela Ward. My pronouns are She/They. I am 23 years old, and I've been on dialysis for over a year now. My favorite color is purple. I have a passion for photography, and want to pursue a degree in it. I have 3 siblings, 1 older sister and 2 younger brothers. I have a cat, named Nymphadora. My ESRD is genetic, but luckily my siblings are only carriers. I believe that kindness is one of the best things we give to each other.

Some things I spend my time doing are:
Listening to music
Reading paranormal and fantasy books
Playing videogames like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing
Have movie nights with my family
Board games with my friends

My family

Get to Know Us
I am 1 of 4 kids. Dom has down syndrome, but that hasn't really changed our relationship, we still annoy each other to no end. We all enjoy video games especially Mario Kart. Paige is a teacher for individuals with special needs. Will is about to enter high school, and loves to create. Dom is involved in CUSR, a program that allows teens and adults alike with special needs to socialize and get involved in their community. My dad stays at home and takes care of the house and my brothers. My mother works as head of HR in a plastic manufacturing plant. I also worked there, until I was unable to due to my ESRD.
My parents and grandparents have done so much to help support me throughout everything, they paid all my bills while I was waiting for disability. I recognize that I am incredibly privileged to have the support system that I do. I could not have gotten as far as I have without their support. My parents allowed me to move into their house. It means they have a very full house, with me, my brothers, my cat and their two huskies, but it is also full of love.
My grandmother Cindy Guthrie is very active in the community with Habitat for Humanity and the Mahomet rotary. Her current pet project is reusable pads for women/girls in Kenya.

If you are interested in donating a kidney to me, please go to our contact page for more info.